Restricted Firearms

Changes to automatic Authorizations to Transport restricted and prohibited firearms were brought into force on July 7, 2021. This change now requires licenced owners of registered firearms to obtain an Authorizations to Transport from the provincial or territorial Chief Firearms Officer (CFO) in order to transport a restricted or prohibited firearm to any place other than to:

  1. an approved shooting club or shooting range within the owner’s province of residence, or
  2. to the firearm’s place of storage after purchase.

You need to obtain an Authorization to Transport from the provincial or territorial Chief Firearms Officer:

  • if you own a restricted or prohibited firearm and are moving to a new address
  • if you are transporting a restricted or prohibited firearm within Canada

Contact a Chief Firearms Officer of:

  • the province where the firearm is located, or
  • the entry point of the firearm into Canada

To apply for an Authorization to Transport,

  • you must have a valid Canadian firearms licence that permits you to have that class of firearm;
  • apply for an Authorization to Transport online by accessing the Individual Web Services;
  • call the Canadian Firearms Program CFP at 1-800-731-4000; or